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"The State-of-the-Art and future of Decision Analysis"

ISBN: 978-0-907833-21-5

This is the first major publication to include direct reference to Locational State Theory (LST) and applications. The transformation of data network frequencies and bandwidth with 5G and the ability to assign data streams according to operational and functional requirements including 3G and 4G has revolutionized the application of LST.

In the words of the author, Hector McNeill:

"Notions concerning LST were initially inadvertently covered in work at the Engineering School at Stanford University in 1968 and 1969 related to satellite remote sensing. One important output at that time was an analysis of the advantage of higher resolution sensors and imaging devices on the utility of remote sensing data. In that period state-of-the-art technologies and US military restrictions maintained resolutions at around 50 metres; not good at all. We were able to get round this restriction just 3 years later applying systematic sampling and telescopic sampling video (non-interlaced) images using high altitude jet aircraft in Brazil. This resulted in a 10 cm resolution and a relatively small datatset which was used to carry out precise pattern recognition and inventories of the coffee crop, Brazil's main export commodity at the time". "

"In later work at the Information Technology and Telecommunications Task Force at the European Commission in Brussels, we were concerned with the identification of 5th generation and AI applications linked to a global network. It was then, in 1985, that I began to work the identification of ways to maximize the reliability of information specification to prevent the use of unreliable information being used for constituent, policy and business decision-making. Subsequent work in the field of natural resources and agriculture began to reveal the relevance of LST to the monitoring, recording and analysis of environmental, ecosystem and human-related datasets. Because of the large variance and close relationships between the state of environmental and biotic variables to location, LST has become an important foundation for planning and analyzing data related to sustainability and climate action. As in the case of remote sensor resolution, one bottleneck in gaining the full benefits of LST has been the lack of bandwidth or data frequency to help transmit and analyse larger real time datasets that are also dynamic in terms of their state and location. The advent of 5G technologies potentially removes most of these constraints opening up many new and exciting opportunities to advance knowledge and create many new applications to benefit the human race."

"The publication "The State-of-the-art and Future of Decision Analysis", is the first to cover all of these significant aspects of LST."

Author Hector Wetherell McNeill

Institution SEEL-Systems Engineering Economics Lab, the applied research unit of The George Boole Foundation Limited.

Publication date: sometime during Q4 2021.

ISBN: 978-0-907833-21-5


"Locational State Theory"

ISBN: 978-0-907833-13-0

This is the first publication dedicated to Locational State Theory and its applications.This document explores the latest LST state-of-the-art and includes how impending adjustments brought about by climate change can be analyse on the basis of LST.

The role of LST in agricultural and food security initiatives is explained in some detail.

Beyond that the application of LST to a vast range of sectors, decision analysis issues and domains is explained.

In the words of the author, Hector McNeill:

"This publication is late in coming out as a result of being involved in the development of operational systems as opposed to writing about it. However, it is through application that the full range of applications of LST are constantly revealed. Even although I have been working with this now for some 35 years its relevance to helping solve new challenges remains a constant feature of LST."

Author Hector Wetherell McNeill

Institution SEEL-Systems Engineering Economics Lab, the applied research unit of The George Boole Foundation Limited.

Publication date: sometime during Q4 2021.

ISBN: 978-0-7833-13-0

Online sales: These publications will be made available through the online Boolean Library as part of the Boolean Society series.