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During 2015 and 2017 an online service for project cycle and portfolio management known as Navatec was developed by SEEL-Systems Engineering Economics Lab working in collaboration with OQSI within the Decision Analysis Initiative 2010-2020 managed by the George Boole Foundation. This was based on OQSI:1 (2017) recommendations and this came online in January 2018. This system went through evaluation tests and in January 2019 has been undergoing upgrades including integration of OQSI:1 (2018). The most recent version was released in February 2021.

On review of these recommendations it is apparent that the integration of these recommendations has become more advanced in SDGToolkit which will be launched in Q2 2021. All development effort has now been assigned to SDGToolkit. The Navatec system (Project Cycle & Portfolio Management) will be phased out because SDGToolkit possessed all of the functionality of the Navatec system by the end of 2020. All relevant information on SDGToolkit will be available through the SDGToolkit website and the Boolean Library which are expected to be launched in Q3, 2021.

SDGToolkit.com is a Cloud-based Software as a Service due diligence design procedure with a growing analytical tool (AT) library providing support for project, programme and policy designs to support Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

The main area of increasing application is the use of Data Reference Models by multi-competence groups since its proposal by Hector McNeill in 2014. DRMs are an important tool for internal development work with stakeholders at SEEL. DRMs have found increasing application in assignments carrried out by the George Boole Foundation for European Aid projects concerning policy performance reporting on the agricultural sector. Recently they have been applied for assignments for private clients concerned with evaluation of agricultural production sustainability.

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A not for profit applied digital intelligence research & development organization

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