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Because of the relative complexity of attempting to cover all economic sectors OQSI has concentrated on perhaps the most complex domain of agriculture, natural ecosystems, sustainable agricultural production (food, fibre & feedstocks) including food security and agricultural research and innovation for economic development.

There are significant gains to be made in human wellbeing by disseminating and applying state-of-the-art technologies and techniques in agriculture. But with advanced in knowledge, technologies and techniques and the many different circumstances of production associated with bioclimate (soil, weather and ecosystem conditions) the powerhouse for sustained real economic growth is research and innovation. However, this requires robust analytical and operational procedures that help focus research on matters that can result in practical advantages to those who adopt resulting innovations in economic and social terms.

The future of the production of food, fibre an feedstocks lies in the increased applicatiomn of sustainable production systems which balance the sustainability of economic production with respect to impacts on the environment and society. This involves a delicate trade off between economic and financial beenfits against environmental and social impacts.

Because of this constant evolution in circumstances of the environment, technologies and appropriate techniques, training and mentoring of those concerned with research is of fundamental importance in ensuring that the research and innovation process is effective and efficient. There is, therefore, a need for an extension service that supports the introduction of improved due diligence procedures for project design to ensure that, through the provision of information, training and mentoring, researchers optimize their project designs so as to maximize their return on investment while minimizing risk.

OQSI's recommended procedures are embeded in tasks of online systems (learn more about these) which will go live in June, 2019 and that will provide courses and hands-on training.

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