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The work of the OQSI has benefited from the collaboration of several parners as indicated below:

Since the establishment of SEEL and during the DAI 2010-2020 development work we have benefited from the contributiomns of many leading practitioners from many countries in a wide range of fields. Because of their interest in supporting our efforts, the majority of contribtions has been on a voluntary basis. This includes most of the work from SEEL and Nakhlatec. As a result the cost-benefit of our activities where benefit is based on the assessed quality of output and the extent to which original objectives have been achieve, has been very high. All stated objectives at the outset of the DAI were obtained by June 2020. During what has been a long journey we thank the many professionals who have participated and contrbuted to our combined knowledged from BraziL, Peru, Keyna, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Unirted Kingdom, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Germany, Bosnia Herzegovina, Romania, Macedonia, France, Sweden and others.

This might be fortuitous, but unusually for a non profit organization this applied research and development effort, coordinated by The George Boole Foundation Limited, has achieved a performance that has exceeded that of known advanced private and commercial applied R&D establishments in terms of costs and results.

The foundational work for the DAI and OQSI was established by SEEL-Systems Engineering Economics Lab dedicated to decision analysis and online digital applications since 1983. Besides this applied experience SEEL supported the development of due diligence procedures and analytical tools (ATs) by creating prototypes and conducting online tests of each recommended item drawn up by OQSI. Each OQSI recommendation and AT was validated and confirmed by SEEL's tests. OQSI recommendations were only issued following feasibility and utility checks.

Plasma Systems is a recent addition to the team. This is a spin-off from the SEEL AT development group, now the ATDC (Analytical Tool Development Centre) dedicated to the database technologies and Accumulog development. They will coordinate the development work on Portfolio Data Warehouse reporting based on coherent datasets across typed farms across several projects in a portfolio. This data is invaluable to support extension work in diagnosing risk and recommending risk mitigation adjustments under rapidly changing conditions associated with climate change.

Nakhlatec is a private internatiomal consultancy company established in 2003 with specific expertise across many types of crop production, multiplication and genetics. Nakhalatec is a leading edge biotechnology development company currently concerned with the development of sustainable production systems using unconventional technologies. Contributed to early evaluations of data input to early modules of SDGToolkit and has contributed to the development of the system's operational logic.

Accumulogs and Locational-State Theory logic have helped strengthen the theory and practical utility of our work. Locational-State Theory is making major contributions to statistical and design options analysis for activities subject to impacts arising from temperature rises and water deficit associated with climate change. Most of this work is advanced at SEEL but is mentioned as a contributor because of it has become a major contribution to making possible leading-edge developments including population typologies and locational-state genotypic sequencing.

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